Emmanuel Lutheran
About our Pastor
Sunday School
Children's Church
Monthly Calendars
Worship Assistants
Prayer Corner
Worship Assistants
People Projects
Family Ministry
Special Interest Groups
Council RosterCouncil Roster
Evalgelical Lutheran Church in America Northeastern Ohio Synod

We have always had a way of collecting food for the Salvation Army and now the Salem Community Pantry. To increase our gifts of food to these organizations, Worship Division would like to establish the first Sunday of every month as a Food Offering Sunday and encourage all members to offer a non-perishable food item in addition to your regular offering on these Sundays. Place your food offering in the collection boxes located at both entrances. Of course, you may still contribute food throughout
the month.

To contact us:
Phone: 330-332-5042
Fax: 330-332-4405
Email: lutheran251@gmail.com
251 S. Broadway Avenue
Salem, OH 44460