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Evalgelical Lutheran Church in America Northeastern Ohio Synod
August 2014                            

Last month I spent a great deal of time figuring out volunteer hours for our Stewardship part of Parish Education. This figured out to be over 1000 hours of time given to the church in one month. I even thought of other ways people gave of their time that I didn’t include. It was a wonderful way of recognizing time given, and a way for Parish Education division to say THANK YOU for all of your time volunteered!

Now I’m considering our second way of giving - TALENTS. Are you ready?

Each  month talents are given through:  Working at the food pantry, being part of Prayer Ministry, doing special music, delivering communion to shut-ins, leading the children’s sermon, acolyting, mowing and yard work, Work Day projects, Altar Guild members, Saturday and Sunday readers, greeters, sound system operators, Bible study leaders, Sunday School teachers and helpers, after school tutors, Bible School teachers and helpers,  Elderberry exercise leaders, quilting and Blanket Making members, banner makers, Bell Choir members, Brass Choir and Senior Choir members. Also on a more occasional basis, are the helpers for The Banquet, funeral dinner helpers, Advent Dinner helpers, writing up the mystery person for the month and fellowship snacks at the end of the month, plus ushers (including children). There are money counters and bulletin assemblers; those who answer the phones or help in the office. The helpers in the library and the Archive Committee also come to mind.

If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive. As you can see, we are very blessed with so many talented people. It takes a “congregation” to keep a church alive!

Please continue to pray for the Parish Education Division as we  approach the third phase of stewardship - giving of money. This  begins at the end of August and continues until we fill out our  commitment cards in October.

We have so much for which to be thankful and so many to thank. Thank you for your time and talents. Now please pray and consider your financial support for our Emmanuel Lutheran Church.

Ila Jeanne Paxson
Parish Education Chairman

contact us:
Phone: 330-332-5042
Fax: 330-332-4405
Email: lutheran251@gmail.com
251 S. Broadway Avenue
Salem, OH 44460