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Evalgelical Lutheran Church in America Northeastern Ohio Synod
Letters from Pastor Alan Smearsoll

November 2017

Happy Birthday Emmanuel Lutheran Church! A congregational meeting was held on November 27, 1892 for the families of a newly formed church to adopt a constitution. They did, and Emmanuel became an officially organized congregation. This month we are celebrating the occasion of our 125th       anniversary with a visit from our Synod Bishop Abraham Allende who will preach at the 10:30 worship service on November 19 followed by a catered dinner. It would be great to see as many members as possible attend worship on this special occasion, so please, make plans and mark your calendars. Reservations for the dinner are due by October 29. Sign up at the church or call the church office. 

The Lutheran Church in the United States grew by immigration. Emmanuel was no exception. This  congregation has been blessed by the rich heritage of a Saxon tradition that spans the 125 years of its existence. Today that connection continues, not through immigration, but through the offspring of those who left everything for a fresh start in America. Today the church grows by invitation, not immigration and Emmanuel has members of many different backgrounds.

It has been fun during this year of celebration to go back in time and use liturgies from past worship books, noting how worship has changed yet remained much the same. It was good to welcome back familiar faces in the pulpit; some former pastors (Eloise Shanley, Bill Medford, Bill Wilkins), a former pastor’s ordained son (Matt Deames), a son of the congregation (Ray Gottschling), as well as Rev. Dave and Sue Sprang. The historical displays in the narthex have gotten a lot of looks over the months.

I think the greatest highlight of our 125th celebration has been the collection of money for 125 different charitable organizations. Most churches celebrate an occasion like this by focusing on themselves. While we have certainly done that, Emmanuel has reached out and, in Christ’s name, helped out many in various need to honor our 125th. As I read the history of this congregation, it is no surprise that we did this. Emmanuel has a history of being concerned about the other as Jesus calls us to be.

Methodist Pastor Jim Ozier said this:  “Anyone can download good preaching, teaching and music. They can’t download the people.” Emmanuel remains a vibrant congregation in the midst of an ever changing world because of the people. Because of you. Well, no, not entirely. How does that hymn go?  “The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord…” It really isn’t about us. It is about Him!

125 years sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Salem area and counting! Happy Birthday  Emmanuel!

Pastor Alan
Next Letter from the Pastor

To contact us:
Phone: 330-332-5042
Fax: 330-332-4405
Email: lutheran251@gmail.com
251 S. Broadway Avenue
Salem, OH 44460