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Evalgelical Lutheran Church in America Northeastern Ohio Synod
Letters from Pastor Alan Smearsoll

June 2020

As restaurants and retail and businesses start to re-open, they are all looking different than when they closed. In order to serve the public once again, there has to be strict guidelines in place for the protection of employees and the public from the potential spread of the Covid-19 virus. As churches return to gathering for worship once again, they too must follow guidelines to protect all who are present. I am working with Council to determine a safe return to worship date and will make a One Call with that announcement.

I am sure that all of you are anxiously waiting for the time when we can gather again as one in church. I have been working with the Worship Division for a couple of weeks to prepare for this time. When we do so, there will be changes, erring on the side of caution, to do the best we can to assure an environment that will not harbor and spread the virus. Many of the things we will be implementing have come from resources published by the ELCA and suggested by our synod. I would like to take this time to give you a “heads up” on what you can expect when we return to the sanctuary so that you are not caught off guard.

First and foremost:  If you are exhibiting any signs of fatigue, cough, fever, or illness – please stay at home. If you are a member of the “compromised” community (underlying health condition, age, etc..) you are encouraged to stay home as well, but this decision is yours to make. For everyone’s comfort, you are strongly encouraged to wear a face mask as these help to limit the potential transmission of the virus through the air. It must be understood that there is no guarantee that the virus will not spread, even with proper protocol in place.

Obviously, the least amount of things we can touch, the better. Doors will be kept open where possible, including entrance doors, to limit touch. Offering plates will not be passed, but will be set up at the entrances to the sanctuary where you can place your envelopes. It will be BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible J) as all paper (envelopes, hymnals and Bibles) will be removed from the pews. Bulletins will continue to be posted on our website and you may print a copy at home to bring with you or you may choose to look at it on your phone or tablet during worship. The order of service will be shown on the large screen TV which will be located to the right of the altar.

We will abide by the six foot distance rule, which limits the number of pews that can be used and the way we can seat ourselves in them, so don’t expect to sit in your favorite pew for a while. There will be no Children’s Worship or use of the play area downstairs. There will not be any children’s worship packets, so please bring your own materials for your children to use in the pews. Children’s sermons will be done without asking the children to come forward.

Communion will be distributed differently for obvious reasons. Traditional communion at the altar is suspended until it is safe to do so again, so communion will be distributed continuously until further notice, practicing social distancing between families coming forward.  We are still working on the details of how this will look, so instruction on what to do will be given at the service. The act of singing can spread the virus further and faster so singing will be limited with most of the liturgy being spoken and perhaps a soloist to help us with the music of worship.

Everything will be thoroughly sanitized after each worship service. Pews will be alternated between services so the same pew is not sat in Saturday night and Sunday morning, making sanitizing of pews minimal, therefore protecting their finish. The virus will not survive on them from week to week so this shouldn’t be a problem.

Needless to say, worship will look and feel different for a while. We must remember that this is temporary and we are all sacrificing in a number of ways so that we can do our best to protect all who worship.

Governor DeWine has repeatedly said that “we can do two things at once.” We are in a period of doing just that. Returning to worship and doing it safely. I think we can all adjust to these changes and what might seem to be “inconveniences” knowing that they are not permanent and they are for the safety of each and every one of our members and those who worship with us.
Pastor Alan

Next Letter from the Pastor

To contact us:
Phone: 330-332-5042
Fax: 330-332-4405
Email: lutheran251@gmail.com
251 S. Broadway Avenue
Salem, OH 44460