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Evalgelical Lutheran Church in America Northeastern Ohio Synod
Letters from Pastor Alan Smearsoll

July 2021

Years ago, the decision was made that Emmanuel would forward at least 10% of its income to the Northeastern Ohio Synod (NEOS) for the work of the larger church. This offering is called “mission support” today or what you may know as “benevolence.” The “benevolence” budget is often the first place churches look at trimming when finances are tight. Emmanuel has stood by this tithe of its income to the larger church year after year and adjusts accordingly based on projected income. Out of faith this policy was created and out of faith it has endured. Thanks be to God for such a witness and testament to faith!

Each year our Synod publishes a list of its churches and the amount of mission support each gave to the synod the previous fiscal year. Out of 160 churches, 26 (16%) gave $15,000 or more amounting to 57% of the total mission support given! Emmanuel is one of the 26, giving just over $15,000. Mission support enables our Synod Bishop and staff to function and provides resources and pastoral support to these 160 churches of the NEOS through various means.

Our Synod sends a portion of what they receive to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) for the work of the larger church in America and around the globe. Last fiscal year the NEOS sent over $585,000 which is nearly 50% of the mission support that it receives! This is how a portion of our mission support gets to the larger church to further Christ’s work in the world, work that we couldn’t possibly do.

(From the ELCA website) As members of the ELCA, our faith in a loving God frees us to be generous and to boldly participate in God’s work in the world. Stewardship is no longer simply about paying the church’s bills. It is about how congregations can together live out God’s call to love our neighbor. We are open to the Holy Spirit’s invitation to participate in and contribute to God’s work in the world using all of the gifts that God has entrusted to our care. Mission Support — the portion of offerings that ELCA congregations share with synods and the churchwide organization — unites us in this vital, life-giving work.

Mission Support provides 80 percent of the resources to enable the ELCA to begin new ministries and accompany existing congregations as growing centers for evangelical mission. These funds also provide the staff and resources for the development of new leaders, partnership with churches around the globe, alleviating poverty, working for justice and peace, and so much more.

Your offering not only supports the work of the church here in Salem, but also supports ministries around Northeastern Ohio, throughout America and around the world! Faith does move mountains!

Thank you for your faithful giving, especially through the pandemic. Thank you for stepping out in faith as a congregation years ago to develop and stick with tithing 10% as a benchmark for budgeting mission support annually and for treating it as an essential part of the budget.

May you, in your personal budgeting, strive to be faithful in your commitment to your giving and not treat it as an “afterthought” but as an essential part of your faith journey and as a means for you to provide ministry through the Lutheran church around the world!

Pastor Alan

Next Letter from the Pastor

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Phone: 330-332-5042
Fax: 330-332-4405
Email: lutheran251@gmail.com
251 S. Broadway Avenue
Salem, OH 44460