Emmanuel Lutheran
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Evalgelical Lutheran Church in America Northeastern Ohio Synod
Winter Worship Cancellation Policy

Snow ShovelingWorship will always be held, no matter what the weather. You make the determination whether or not you are able to come to worship. An “intergenerational” Sunday School will be held for those who do make it in.  If Pastor is unable to get out of his driveway, a designated person will lead those who come in an informal prayer service.

Remember:  In severe winter weather and ice conditions, you are under no obligation to risk your life or the lives of others in coming to worship!  Never feel obligated to come if conditions aren’t favorable for your situation!

To contact us:
Phone: 330-332-5042
Fax: 330-332-4405
Email: lutheran251@sbcglobal.net
251 S. Broadway Avenue
Salem, OH 44460